Abigail is all grown up. It's not based on Amanda Knox yet she reminded me of Amanda in some scenes. Matt played such a stoic roughneck, in a few rare moments deep emotions flashed in his eyes and reminded one that this is Matt. It's slow paced and may well do feel like watching paint dry to certain audience.
看了两集弃为什么要一开始就拍凶手是谁啊然后再倒叙那我看啥呢…什么悬念都没有就为了看一个简简单单的故事最离谱的是这种lie to me的超能力你拿去拍X战警都行探花约啪就是不能拍侦探剧一个侦探能测谎了那还拿什么破局只要多问几个问题就能锁定凶手了拿着答案推公式了属于是不用再去抽丝剥茧判断谁在说谎推理的美妙乐趣少了90%